Rachel Corinth

At one point the Court ordered mediation. Count ordered divorce mediation has become a popular but controversial part of divorce proceedings in Minnesota. I say controversial because, according to several lawyers I have talked to, unless both parties want and agree to mediation it is usually just another waste of money.

The mediator chosen (by my lawyers I only later learned) was Rachael Corinth who worked for a large law firm and specialized in the practice. We attended a couple sessions where the lawyers (I was represented by JamieJensen) plus a law student who was observing, and Spring's mother for some strange reason, were present. After this general session I would go to a room with my lawyer and Spring would go to a room with hers and her mother. Then Corinth would shuttle back and forth like Kissinger trying to reach a settlement.

At the time we were both trying to get sole custody. After much pressuring I said I would accept joint custody but no less. Despite this both Corinth and Jensen were pressuring me to give Spring sole custody. They said I had little chance of getting even joint custody because I was the father - yes, it really works that way.

Corinth then changed tactics and said that Spring would accept a parental consultant that would make decisions on where the boys would go and monitor progress as they grew up. At the time we had already started sessions with the Robert Sturdy, the Court appointed custody evaluator and as that seemed to be going okay given the circumstances, I was quite reluctant. Also the parental consultant would be very expensive and I would continue to have to pay her until the boys reached eighteen years old. Corinth said that Spring was insisting on me agreeing to hiring a parental consultant. After a lot of pressure from Corinth and Jensen I agreed in the end to hire the parental consultant. By the way this wasn't just any parental consultant it was a specific one the mediator recommended. If you have read even a bit of this site that should not surprise you at all nor would the reason for it.

A few days after the sessions ended the Count appointed custody evaluator Robert Sturdy Strong scheduled some more appointments and I sent a note to Spring saying that I thought the parental consultant replaced the custody evaluator so I did not understand why more appointments were being scheduled. She replied that she never agreed to my demand to use a custody evaluator. Yes, Rachael Corinth had told Spring I was the one insisting on the parental consultant just as she had told me that Spring was the one insisting on it. So not only did Corinth lie to both of us but did so, I believe, in order to drive business to a college. That is the way the divorce system works. It is institutionally corrupt.

Rachel Corinth is a bad lawyer. Pure and simple. Additionally she has a bombastic aggressive attitude that makes me wonder who would ever work with her. At one point she walked out on me in a fit, actually walked out on the person paying her because I would not agree to giving Spring, a person wholly incapably of acting morally, sole custody of my children.  

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