Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Rafael Nadal's Eloquence

Although I don't like the politicized title and narration much in this video of Rafael Nadal answering a question on gender discrimination in sports, I do like his answer. 

Popularity is what drives sport and entertainment salaries. Why are female basketball players paid less that male players? Because more people follow men's basketball. 

I have female friends who believe women players should be paid exactly what male players are paid. Yet at the same time they do not bother to watch or go to women's' sports at all. 

Certainly discrimination exists. Sometimes against women and sometimes against men. But it is easy to go overboard. Viewing everything as discrimination against one gender will not only blind you to reality but cause you to do the very thing you are complaining about 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Lawyers Lie (Mostly) With Impunity

Sydney Powell, who worked for former President Trump, has pleaded guilty to spreading false claims of  election fraud after the 2020 contest and trying to tamper with voting machines in Georgia

You would think she would be be put in prison for a very long time. But nope, she cut a plea deal.

Under the plea deal, Powell will serve six years of probation, pay a $6,000 fine, pay restitution of $2,700 to the state that covers the cost of replacing election equipment, write an apology letter and testify truthfully in future hearings and trials, as well as provide "any requested documents or evidence subject to any lawful privileges asserted in good faith prior to entering this plea."

I wonder what he punishment would be if she wasn't a lawyer? A lot more I'll bet. The funny thing is that as an officer of the court, which all lawyer are, she is supposed to be held to a higher standard than the general public. 

I hope the deal the prosecutors made results in some serious convictions for others. Powell is getting off easy. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

Fathers’ Parental Leave

A study in Sweden, one of the most gender equal countries in the world, concluded fathers’ parental leave might protect men against alcohol-related morbidity.

Men who have been on parental leave have a significantly reduced risk of being hospitalized due to alcohol consumption.

"After the policy was implemented there was a 34% decrease in these hospitalizations among fathers in the two years after birth."

“Policymakers should consider that fathers’ parental leave not only promotes more gender-equal participation in childcare, but can also reduce alcohol-related harms."

Not only is fathers involvement in their children's lives good for the children, it is good for the fathers. Unfortunately in our society, societal pressure (i.e. discrimination) allows mothers to spend more time with their children than fathers. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Lawyers Invented Internet Spam

Although some of you might think so, I am not anti-lawyer at all. In fact, I have the highest respect for rule of law. It is the best way to ensure a fair and equitable society. I am, however, vehemently opposed to those lawyers who break the law in order to achieve personal gain, or worse, inflict harm on innocent people

But no doubt I am a bit of a pain in the side to most lawyers as, even of they are upstanding themselves, they view any mention of lawyer maleficence as a poor reflection upon themselves.  

Given that, I will risk annoying lawyers even more than I have. 

Did you know lawyers invented Internet spam? I didn't but I am hardly surprised. 

On April 12, 1994, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel, two immigration lawyers from Arizona, flooded the Internet with a mass mailing promoting their law firm's advisory services.

In doing so, this unknown husband and wife team changed the Internet with one keystroke.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

I ran across an interesting article highlighting some of the "dirty tricks" used in the divorce process. Although far from complete as it doesn't include the various tactics, both legal and illegal, used by lawyers in their own self-interest, it does provide an interesting review of some of the things anyone going through a divorce should be aware of.  

Below is the list. There is more detail in the linked article. 

I. “Trial Separation.”

II. “Forget What the Papers Say, I’ll Do This or That”

III. “Let’s Move to Alaska: after You Find Us a Place, I’ll Come Join You with the Kids.”

IV. Dismiss Case When You Start Losing, Then Try Again Later

V. Moving Family & Friends into Marital Home During Divorce

VI. Scheduling Activities Over the Other Parent's Parenting Time

VII. “Oh By the Way, Kid #3 Isn’t Yours.”

VIII. “Please Answer the Phone. I promise I Won't Report it as an OFP Violation.”

IX. Emptying Joint Bank Accounts.