Thursday, September 26, 2024

Change Is Slow

The good news here is that change is happening, albeit slowly. It amazes me that even something as simple as shared custody is still considered unusual. 

This video gives a good explanation of how money corrupts the whole family court system.

Quote: "Attorneys breed contention." How true. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Good Basic Advice

From a lawyer are some good if basic tips to keep in mind when going through the divorce process. I wish he would also talk about what to do when the other side and the other side's lawyer engage in blatant criminal actions. And what to do when the judge rewards those criminal actions. 

Family court is far more corrupt than people realize. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Top 20 Issues With Family Court

From the Frank Report: 20 Reasons: Destructive Family Court Is Money-Maker, Corrupt and Unmonitored.

This is a really good list of the top issues in Family Court. The ones which ring especially true for me are:

7. The more money to be made, the more conflict the “family” court will promote.

14. There is no penalty for making false claims of abuse, engaging in open fraud, or perjury in our “family’ courts.

16. More money flows through our “family” courts than all other courts – combined.

18. No “family” court judge or “family” court attorney has ever once been held accountable for flagrant and even criminal violations of law or rights in the State of CT.

20. The Divorce Industry has grown into a $60+ Billion industry over the past 20 years.

This is the reality. Not only does it hurt those directly involved with the Family Court system, but it influences all aspects of our legal system. When lawyers see their peers richly rewarded for openly committing  crimes in Family Court they come to believe it is OK for them to do so as well even if they do not practice family law. Additionally, in many jurisdictions judges rotate in and out of Family Court. Do you really think they behave differently within Family Court than outside it? 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Why Honest People Are At A Disadvantage in Family Court

Why are honest people at a disadvantage in family court? Because so many litigants and lawyers lie. Why is lying, including perjury and fraud, so ubiquitous? Because it is so common it is rarely, if ever, is prosecuted. 

The result is honest people tend to lose in family court. This is what happened to me. 

The only way to reduce lying in family court is to enforce the law. Prosecute the litigants and lawyers who commit perjury and fraud. That is what they do in Scandinavia. That is why Scandinavian courts, and society in general, are more just than in the United States.