As was launched six months ago, I think the time is
right to provide a retrospective on progress made and some thoughts
on where we will go from here.
I am reasonably
happy with the site so far. It was hard to envision how the site
would turn out when I first stated it, but I think I hit the right
balance in telling my story, commenting on injustice within the
divorce industry elsewhere, and advocating for reform. I have
hopefully neither degenerated into ranting nor have hidden the
reality of what has happened to me, my children and so many others
who have suffered due to rampant criminal behavior within the divorce
is a hybrid website and blog that in many ways is a story. Stories
are powerful agents of change and that is exactly my purpose. All
postings and pages serve to support the main goal of the site –
justice for all within the divorce system. I have tried to refrain
from posting for posting's sake and in this I believe I have
succeeded. Unlike many blogs where old postings are no longer
relevant, I think this site in its entirety is useful for both those
wishing to enforce current law as well as those trying to reform it.
There are of course
many things about the site I wish were better. Most prominently is
that I wish the writing was better and more polished. I am rarely
satisfied with anything I write and should really spend more time
reviewing and rewriting but time is a luxury I do not have. I
apologize for my many grammatical errors and unclear wordings. I
also feel many of the pages could use revision simply because of the
passage of time.
The site as it
stands is pretty much caught up to the present. It is complete in
structure at least until I can think of something else to add. What
will the future bring? Time will tell but here are my current
Law Enforcement -
Continue to seek out a law enforcement agency that will look
into my case. I have no intent of giving up on this given the clear
evidence of criminal behavior I have seen. I will admit this is a
long shot but I feel it is my duty as a citizen to at least bring the
evidence I have to those responsible for enforcing the laws. The
local county attorney was basically obstructionist but there are
other agencies at the state and federal levels. After all, Al Capone
was not prosecuted by the Cook County Attorney.
Judicial –
It is obvious to me that the judicial system is badly broken. There
may be options at the state Supreme Court level where my concerns and
evidence can be submitted. As with law enforcement, there is little
chance this will lead to anything positive in the short term but at
least it makes it clear to those at the top of the judicial branch
that unethical behavior by judges and the Lawyers Professional
Responsibility Board does not go unnoticed.
Legislative –
This will be a primary focus going forward. There is a growing
movement for divorce reform by states and Minnesota needs to get on
board. To date, I have not contacted legislators but now that the
site is relatively complete that will change.
Other –
Other avenues of pursuit include contacting ethics professors at law
schools who may want to use my case in their classes, creating a
technical notes page about how the site was created including the
tools I used and helpful tips, and maybe, just maybe create a
non-profit to advocate for divorce reform in Minnesota. The latter is
a step I am very hesitant to do as I am not much of an advocate and I
would hate to expose my family to what I am sure would be harsh
attacks by those opposed to reform.
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