Saturday, August 13, 2022


The National Association of Attorneys General has a page on public anticorruption. Nice words but for the most part just words not action. Rather like the lawyers rules of professional conduct which are well-written and clear but just not followed particularly closely. Indeed, for things such as lawyer truthfulness they are widely ignored. 

Rule 4.1 Truthfulness in Statements to Others

In the course of representing a client a lawyer shall not knowingly make a false statement of fact or law.

I have on multiple occasions sent letters including evidence of lawyer, county attorney, and judicial corruption to the Minnesota State Attorney General but have never once received a reply. The cesspool of crime which occurs within our legal system continues unabated. 

I wish the our attorney general would live up to the quote they list at the top of their accocaitons website:

The exposure and punishment of public corruption is an honor to a nation, not a disgrace. The shame lies in toleration, not in correction. . . . If we fail to do all that in us lies to stamp out corruption we can not escape our share of responsibility for the guilt. The first requisite of successful self-government is unflinching enforcement of the law and the cutting out of corruption.

-- Theodore Roosevelt, State of the Union Address, December 7, 1903

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