Divorce Courts rely heavily on "he said, she said" declarations, signed "under penalty of perjury." However, a computer search of family law cases published by the appellate courts shows only one appellate case in California involving a penalty for perjury: People v. Berry (1991) 230 Cal. App. 3d 1449. The penalty? Probation.
The Separated Parenting Access & Resource Center also discuses this issue with an article geared toward lawyers.
...perjury prosecutions are virtually non-existent, and there is little likelihood that any criminal perjury prosecution will occur in the future... Even more disturbing, however, is the fact that our family court judges appear to be reluctant to find a person who has presented perjured testimony to be in contempt of court.The question is why is perjury ignored in Family Court? The reality is that Family Court has become the primary arena for criminal activity in our society. Because there are huge rewards and little risk for committing crimes, the the divorce industry attracts criminals. If you are a bad person why not commit perjury in court like Spring did to get as much money as you can from husband and children? If you are an unethical lawyer why not commit fraud to get more money for yourself and client? There is virtually no risk in doing so and because of this Family Court and the whole divorce industry have become a cesspool of criminal activity.
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