To be clear - I believe that the majority of people, in general and within the legal system, during this time did not participate or condone lynchings. But they did not actively work to stop it. The result is that they let a small group of vile and criminal people define their collective morality.
The reason they did not speak up is that they feared the consequences of doing so. Speaking out would jeopardize not only their and their family's social bonds but also their income and even lives. It was easier and safer to remain silent.
A recent study has demonstrated the downsides to whistleblowers.
"In sum, our findings showed that blowing the whistle had—for a large majority—an adverse effect on life and a very negative impact on the mental health of those who blow the whistle, while society in one way or another benefited from their actions. This apparent misbalance in burden needs to be targeted, not only for current whistleblowers but also for future cases to prevent as much as possible that people no longer blow the whistle because of the negative consequences as shown in our and previous studies."

The corrupt individuals are the cancer that sickens the whole.
This site has provided unquestionable evidence of criminal actions within the legal system. Yet the people who have committed the crimes not only have not been punished but have been greatly rewarded for their actions. And the crime continues. Every day innocent men, women and children are hurt. Many of those victims become violent or self-destructive. No one knows how many people end up dying but it is pretty clear that not a day goes by without someone dying due to corruption within family court. If you do not believe this you are ignoring reality.
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